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Old 25-08-2005, 09:14 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Can he/she check whether he/she have HIV thru blood donation???
Old 26-08-2005, 08:59 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

extremely difficult , though not possible...need alot of back tracking and it is time consuming.... hmm.. how to say... it is like using CSF (critial success factor)..

e.g.. if someone who never have sex.. and had a blood transfusion done a couple of month back. - chance of getting it thru blood donation is "90%" ( figures quoted is for example purpose only.. not accurate.)

if someone who cheong alot and never had blood transfusion done recently... then chance of getting it thru blood donation is "5%".

if someone who cheong and had blood transfusion done recently ... then chance of getting it thru blood donation is "40 ". etc etc..

but in singapore, i would say it is very safe with the blood donation, ....unlike some other countries.

Originally Posted by sogetsu
Can he/she check whether he/she have HIV thru blood donation???
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Old 26-08-2005, 09:29 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by Big Sexy

but in singapore, i would say it is very safe with the blood donation, ....unlike some other countries.
I think you've misunderstood the question. He's asking whether he can donate blood in order to find out his HIV status.

All donated blood is screened for HIV. However, the donor runs the risk of being jailed if he was found to have lied about his sexual behaviour.

Those who indulge in commercial sex and admit to the fact will not he accepted by the blood bank. Those who hide the fact and who are later found to be HIV positive could end up being charged in court.
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Old 26-08-2005, 10:00 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

thanks boss.. must be the wine last nite...had a drop too many..

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
I think you've misunderstood the question. He's asking whether he can donate blood in order to find out his HIV status.
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Old 26-08-2005, 10:56 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by sogetsu
Can he/she check whether he/she have HIV thru blood donation???
it is an offence to test for HIV under guise of blood donation....i think before you can donate there will be questions asked especially on your sexual life style...if in the high risk group they will reject you immediately...some one has ever been charged and imprison becos he had HIV and donated his blood...he did not reveal the truth on his sex life ie visting prostituites etc..
Old 27-08-2005, 11:25 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Juz asking as i read in this thread that the saliva is in some ways safe before it can 'bind' the virus together.

Does that also mean that cat baths are safe even if we had scratches or acnes on our back? Would appreciate any answers..thanks.
Old 27-08-2005, 04:13 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by DaVinci
Juz asking as i read in this thread that the saliva is in some ways safe before it can 'bind' the virus together.
The proportion of HIV in a HIV+ person's salivia is too low for the virus to be transmitted. Salivia is not know to be a medium of transport for transmission. Catbaths should be long as the person does not have any blood in his mouth. If blood is present, depending on how much, it can be present as a risk for HIV. If only a small amount is present, enzymes in the salivia should be able to neutralise it. Just a matter of personal opinion...don't know what other bros think.
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Old 02-09-2005, 02:11 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Hopes rise for AIDS vaccine breakthrough
It is not a cure, and even the lead researcher is calling this a baby step, but others describe it as a breakthrough in the fight against AIDS.

It is published in the British Journal Lancet that an anti-epilepsy drug called Valproic Acid actually reduced levels of HIV that were dormant and hiding in the body scientists say this brings new hope to patients that instead of just containing the virus, we may be able to eliminate it, someday.
Old 18-09-2005, 10:48 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Something I found on and wish to share ...

Circumcised Men Have Lower Rate of HIV Infection Than Uncircumcised Men, Studies Say

November 16, 2004

Circumcised men have a significantly lower rate of HIV infection than uncircumcised men, according to recent studies conducted in Africa and India that have "given new impetus" to some HIV/AIDS experts who consider the procedure a possible prevention method, the Boston Globe reports (Donnelly, Boston Globe, 11/16). The association between circumcision and a decreased risk of contracting HIV previously has been suggested, as many scientists say that circumcision can provide protection from HIV for heterosexual men because the inner surface of the foreskin -- which is removed during circumcision -- has a large concentration of a type of white blood cell that HIV might use to enter the body (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 9/7). New data from USAID also suggests that the inner surface of the foreskin absorbs HIV nine times as effectively as cervical tissue.
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Old 19-09-2005, 05:29 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Allow me to side track a bit. Tested negative at 4th week but at 5th week, started not feeling well. Body ache, bloated stomach, light headeness, headache, dry throat...have seen GP and he say it is stomach flu and given some medictation but it just won't go away.

Any bro can advise if negative at 4th week is a good indictation? I know 12th week negative will be conclusive but can't help feeling worried. My encounter was considered low risk and agreed by Afa counsellor and DSC doctor.
Old 19-09-2005, 05:54 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

if they have classified you under low risk catgerogy, then u are clear after the 4th week... u should be quite safe.. but problem is no matter what other says... it wont ease your doubts until you go for another test.. so i say go for the test to ease your mind.

Originally Posted by dt3305
My encounter was considered low risk and agreed by Afa counsellor and DSC doctor.
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Old 19-09-2005, 06:16 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Yah I agree but what if my immune system only produce the anti-bodies after my 1st month test? Been having this dry throat and aching and it just won't go away. Last time when GP give me medication, always work after 2 to 3 days but this time it has persisted for more than a week...pimples also start to appear on face and taking cooling tea but still like that...sigh...

Been checking temperature and no fever. Just bidding time for the 12th week test and hope everything will be ok.
Old 19-09-2005, 07:38 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by dt3305
Body ache, bloated stomach, light headeness, headache, dry throat...have seen GP and he say it is stomach flu and given some medictation but it just won't go away.
Bro dt3305, these are well known symptoms of the WW (worried well). From what i gather, most individuals are tested positive by the 4th week. Using the 4th Gen test, the labs will be able to test not only for the antibodies, but the antigens which appear before the antobodies. As i have said in another post, your 1st month test is a good indication. These symptoms that you have described are caused by many things, including stress. Your body has suffered from all the anxiety that you have been experiencing. Take a break. When i had my exposure, i had even worse symptoms...fever, floaters, peripheral neuropathy. In the end, tested negative. Don't worry too much, your risk was low.
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Old 19-09-2005, 08:42 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Thanks for the comforting words. I didn't know abt the antigen thing. I guess you are right. It's just me worrying well.

Just saw a GP and he told me I got the flu virus which had probably infected my stomach and now throat area. Gave me more powerful medication and told me to rest and drink lots of water. Ask him if I have swollen lymp nodes as I felt neck area stiff and aching. He check and feel my neck area. Everything is ok.
Old 19-09-2005, 09:04 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Bro dt3305, since the dr has advised you to rest. You should take his advice. Your immune system has taken a beating from all the worrying. I know it is hard for me to say this but you should really stop worrying excessively. Stress can do sorts of strange thing to your body. The DSC dr (well trained in infectious STDs), and the AfA counsellor (which i am sure has been trained to counsel people on their risks), have classified your case as low risk. I am sure they are professional and will not lie to you. I also know that the worry will not go away till you have taken your 12th week test, irregardless of what the drs, counsellors or bros tell you. Wait a few more weeks, go for your 2nd month test (Elisa). The last time when i went for my Elisa test, my company dr said no need to take as i have taken one on my second month, and it was negative. I should take it that i am negative.

I believe no words i say will alleviate the fear that is in you. However, do take good care of yourself. Take more Vits, and do not let the fear of HIV take over your life.
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